Explore 2019 #298 + #299: Trusting Vi's compass + embroidering with kids

I finally finished the embroidery I started in October! I really enjoy embroidery but it just kind of fell off my radar after a strong start in October. When I started working on my pattern Violet kept asking for this "Wild" kit and I was like, "Are you sure? It will take patience and if you are like me you will probably stab yourself!" She insisted she could do it but I was still unsure (embroidery is very exacting) so I gave her the kit for Christmas and said that my gift was teaching her to embroider AND finishing the pattern if she ended up hating it!

Well lookie here, the kid can do it...I should have just trusted Vi's (pretty much always right) compass. She started with back stitch for the letters and satin stitch for the butterfly and I am just super impressed and also grateful that Violet's delightful invitation to embroider together gave us the gift of quiet time + helped me finish my project.
