#reverb10: Gift

Today's #reverb10 writerly prompt is: December 30: Gift. This month, gifts and gift-giving can seem inescapable. What's the most memorable gift, tangible or emotional, you received this year? (Author: Holly Root)

This year my life has been so rich and full of gifts (I’m thinking emotional and experiential but there are tangibles as well). And when I read this prompt, the first thing I thought of was my husband Jon.

There’s so much heartache out there. I’ve seen friends and family struggle to find, keep, and sort out relationships. And while it’s not as if everything is simple and rainbow-tastic between me and Jon, I am fully aware that in him I have been given a huge gift: Someone who loves me unconditionally. Someone who knows how to communicate and is willing to tackle the hard stuff with me. Someone who has supported my leap to a creative lifestyle from the very beginning. Someone who is thoughtful and caring and mindful. Someone who is both an amazing partner and father. Someone who knows when to simply listen and support me and when to challenge and push me beyond my comfort zone.

And while I’m mindful of the gifts Jon brings to my life on a daily basis, I thought of him for today’s prompt because we celebrated our ten year anniversary in 2010. I set ten intentions and we engaged in a brief but blissful retreat to celebrate this milestone. And what a gift it is that I look forward to many decades forward with this remarkable person.