Explore 2019 #283: Kitchen fail irony

Have you had a holiday kitchen fail yet? If you've been with me for a while you'll know I'm a pretty experienced self-taught baker and decorator so I am seriously laughing all the laughs over this kitchen fail irony because it doesn't even involve baking! I thought it would be fun to try Preppy Kitchen’s no-bake Oreo balls but with Trader Joe’s candy cane Joe Joe’s. Everything was fine until I got to the candy melt coating. I could not get the candy melts to a dip and drip consistency and the couple I covered (on the square plate) looked really wonky. I decided to just dip the rest and hope that piping the chocolate drizzle would make them look decent.

Violet's report: "Even though they don't look great Mom, they taste AMAZING!" As I have said many times, BETTER DONE THAN PERFECT!
