Embrace 2020 1/365: nature as teacher

Have you chosen a word of the year? I wasn't planning on it but I have found myself thinking a lot about the word EMBRACE. I want to embrace the small moments, the big moments, fear, imperfection, excitement, failure, rejection, success, loving relationships, challenging relationships, food, travel, frustration, silliness, pain.... EVERYTHING. Why? Because 1️⃣ I don't want to forget to embrace the small, not splashy moments of life. 2️⃣ Women are often made to feel bad about celebrating their victories, and, well, fuck that! 3️⃣ I have learned time and again that there are powerful lessons to learn through difficult experiences and I want to rewire my brain to search for those positive threads. 4️⃣ I think contemplating this word each day will be a good mindfulness exercise. 5️⃣ I want to challenge how I do things. I think many of us are scared to share our goals because they might not work out. But I think the process is just as important so even though I might want to barf over potential rejection, I want to embrace the process and share about it. As I said, I wasn't planning on a word of the year but yesterday as I was watching massive, seriously crazy waves crashing in Maine--and seeing the sky's juxtaposition of dark and light--I was like, EMBRACE. Nature is a wonderful teacher. My goal is to share a photo a day, which is a little scary but here we go!
