Embrace 2020 27/365: 20-20-20 rule

How is your Monday going? I've shared before about how I have two gears (totally relaxed vs. intensely working) and how that makes transitions into and out of weekends challenging.

Yesterday Jon gently suggested I look for a middle gear and mentioned the 20-20-20 rule that eye doctors recommend to reduce eye strain: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Even though Jon is one of the smartest people I know and is usually right about things, I was like, "NOPE, that will be so annoying. No way I can do it!" #curmudgeon4life

But knowing today was a 11-hour workday, I was like, OK, I need to try. I set my timer for 20 minutes, and just continued to reset it through the day and I learned a few things: 1️⃣ It actually wasn't hard or annoying 2️⃣ Breaking every 20 minutes = good and manifested as either an opportunity to 3️⃣ take 20 deep breaths 4️⃣ remember to drink water (hooray for hydration bonus), 5️⃣ take a moment to pause and appreciate the good.

Give it a try! I'm so curious to hear how it works for you!

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