Embrace 2020 3/365: direct ask⁠

Do you get squeamish about asking for things? I've gotten pretty good at making asks, but still, I struggle sometimes, especially if I don't have something immediate to offer in return. But today I'm going to embrace the power of a direct ask.

Last month, I decided to start a Christine Koh newsletter (nerdy Venn diagram logo FTW!); I am so excited about it and would love for you to sign up! You can sign up at christinekoh.com/connect and at that link you can read the first two newsletters in case you'd like to get an idea of what I'll be sharing. But in a nutshell, I will share personal and professional thoughts not available anywhere else, as well as key topics (including genius colleague projects) that are on my mind. I hope you will join me! And thank you for considering this direct ask!

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