Embrace 2020 71/365: my Dad's birthday

Probably sounds weird that I can't remember my Dad's real birthday, right? Well, to my credit, that's because I didn't learn what his real birthday was until late in life...like, in my 20s and I bet it was because when I got our marriage license I was like, "Why is Dad's birthday messed up?"

Back story: When one of my siblings was born in April (the month of my Dad's real birthday), my Mom did not like the idea of having two family birthdays in one month so SHE MOVED HIS BIRTHDAY. Not even to the same day of the month but probably just to a day that was convenient that year. My Mom is the ultimate matriarch.

Anyway, today is my Dad's fake (but real to me) birthday. He died 15 years ago and I miss him a lot. I recently was digging through my photo archive and found these pictures I snapped the day after our wedding, after lunch at Anthony's Pier 4 in Boston. My Dad was a really tough guy for much of our childhood but he softened greatly later on and seeing the affection here with my Mom... I just... goodness. Happy birthday, Dad. I love and miss you.

March 11 A.jpg
March 11 B.jpg