Embrace 2020 134/365: imperfect vegetables

Can you give my 9yo Violet a high five for her veggie arranging? A few weeks ago I signed up for Misfits Market (an organic, imperfect produce subscription service that cuts down on food waste) as a way to extend my time between grocery runs and we just got our first box (they were delayed in onboarding new customers because produce obsessed people like me were in a panic). I ordered the big box (The Madness) and it was loaded with all of this produce (including mangoes!) and it arrived right as our produce drawers ran bare! The service is super flexible (you can pause delivery weeks) and I was also psyched to see that you can add on other produce and pantry items to your deliveries (oh heck yes I added Taza Chocolate bars to my order!). So, so thrilled about this and it will give us a chance to cook with vegetables not normally in my shopping rotation! If you want to try it and get 25% off your first order here's a code: COOKWME-TI1MOF

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