Embrace 2020 144/365: e-reading

Anyone else missing their public library in a big way? A couple of days ago I finished the big stack I took out the last day my city library was open and have been FRETTING ever since. I am a paper book reader. I desperately do not want more screen time. Curmudgeonly Christine does not want to buy an e-reader because once the libraries are open again I will want my paper books again.

But I'm desperate. Reading is both an escape hatch when I'm stressed and a source of joy. So yesterday, I finally took the plunge and explored how to access e-books through my library, borrowed my first e-book (Evvie Drake Starts Over), and put myself on the waitlist for a few more. I am doing the "read in browser" option because Curmudgeonly Christine is also resistant to downloading apps (which I'd need to do to download it on a device). OMG I AM SUCH A CURMUDGEONLY HANDFUL! Reading on my Surface isn't terrible. It's definitely not the same as a paper book but I am so, so grateful for the option. Thank you, libraries. You are a missed treasure

May 23.jpg