Amazing Humans

I am both pandemic-exhausted by digital connection AND grateful for it. This week on Edit Your Life I talked to Jenny Lawson (The Bloggess) about her new book and I almost started crying when I heard her voice when we recorded. Jenny + I haven't spent a ton of time together in person but the first time we met (this dinner gathering; my first Mom 2.0 Summit), she was the most warm, loving person and so have followed all of our interactions since. It’s been a joy to watch her successes unfold over the years! Go buy all of her books + listen to this episode!

Christine Koh + Jenny Lawson at Mom 2.0 Summit 2010

Christine Koh + Jenny Lawson at Mom 2.0 Summit 2010

As we were recording, I tried to pinpoint when this first meeting was and today I went back to an old Facebook album -- it turns out it was 2010 (!) and my first reaction was WOW, cameras sucked back then, and also, look at these relationships that have remained so strong all this time! I was overwhelmed with gratitude. I wanted to share a few other people from that album too.

Isabel Kallman is a badass advocate (Feed Our Democracy), champion of the arts, and is the kind of friend who tells you, of course, you can crash on their couch while you're in NYC and then ends up throwing an incredible dinner party in your honor.

Isabel Kallman + Christine Koh at Mom 2.0 Summit 2010

Isabel Kallman + Christine Koh at Mom 2.0 Summit 2010

Gabrielle Blair is like no other. She uses her voice to share about everything from home design to perimenopause to reproductive rights. She was gloriously pregnant at this Summit and I had been struggling for years with what I thought was secondary infertility. While I didn’t get into the whole thing with Gabby I remember telling her I really wanted another baby and she just wrapped me in warmth and love. (I was shocked to find myself pregnant 5 months later. Thanks for the juju, Gabby.)

Christine Koh + Gabrielle Blair at Mom 2.0 Summit 2010

Christine Koh + Gabrielle Blair at Mom 2.0 Summit 2010

I love that I will always remember this as the moment I met Katherine Center – she was painting inspirational words on people’s arms! I have read every single one of her novels and she is the burst of love and hope and light you need in your life.

Christine Koh + Katherine Center at Mom 2.0 Summit 2010

Christine Koh + Katherine Center at Mom 2.0 Summit 2010

Liz Gumbinner has always been a generous friend/colleague and I appreciate how she + the Cool Mom Picks team support independent businesses and also prioritize conversations about justice and inclusivity, even when their followers get grumpy about it.

Liz Gumbinner + Christine Koh at Mom 2.0 Summit 2010

Liz Gumbinner + Christine Koh at Mom 2.0 Summit 2010

Human connection is everything. ❤