"Being Human Is Complicated" Check-In

Hi folks, how are you holding up? I thought it would be a good time to do a check in. ❤ I feel all over the map these days...have been in a low-grade funk for a while that is steadily evolving into a full blown Delta variant rage funk. UGH.

On the rage funk side, I am super frustrated by things out of my control. People, please for the love of humanity, get vaccinated. And legislators, get your shit together and think about public health not your political position. In terms of what I *can* control I'm thinking about what the fall will look like, particularly through the lens of a parent with a kid under 12. I will definitely be editing plans through this lens.

Rage funk is not helping my shoulder problem. I think I overdid things once I discovered I had exercise bands so I am dialing back and working on gentle stretching throughout shoulder, neck, and spinal column. I did a yoga practice this morning, and will stretch as much as I can all day in my office.

Other than my Delta rage, things are actually OK. More than OK. Lots of little moments that matter. A few recent things:

❤ Lots of chill time and conversation with my kids. We’re not doing anything grand this summer, and it’s perfectly OK. ❤ Fulfilled Violet’s wish of getting her ears pierced. ❤ Drilled a backhand winner yesterday playing tennis with Jon. It's not often that a ball lands exactly where I want it to go, so wow that was gratifying! ❤ Got to engage in cake therapy this weekend (see my last post). ❤ Did a bunch of satisfying food prep yesterday; made cornbread, a double batch of corn tortilla, cooked a ton of beans. ❤ James did his first overnight boarding this weekend and it went well, which is a huge relief. ❤ Have done a lot of good work for my clients and myself.

And here are a few things I’m doing today to try to set myself up well:

❤ Wearing a stretchy Boden dress that feels like wearing pajamas. 🧡 Drinking a ton of water. 💛 Made a date with my Mom to celebrate her birthday. 💚 Have a clear quartz crystal that Laurel gifted me next to my keyboard. 💙 Lots of deep breaths and stretching.

💜 I’m rooting for you today. Big hugs. 💜