Human Connection

How do you respond to stress? People close to me know that when I'm in a bad way I withdraw; I just want to crawl into a hole and not talk to anyone. It's probably why people thought I died in labor with Violet (it was 58 hours and I just wanted to crawl into a closet like a cat and labor silently).

Anyway, today is a good reminder that human connection is so powerful...and especially necessary if you are someone prone to withdrawing. My post yesterday was not urgent; in fact, it just felt like the stuff of life so many of us are painfully wading through. Yet the incredibly kind responses from loved ones and strangers were so moving. And this morning I got to hear Asha Dornfest's voice as we recorded her welcome back episode (yay!). And I got to see Rachel Rosenthal's face + hear her voice live on a recording (this bold lip + hair is dedicated to her). And flowers from Paige Lewin arrived on my doorstep. And Morra Aarons-Mele dropped this unexpected gift -- my new favorite necklace -- at my house. And my sister Jennifer Koh brought me apples. What an embarrassment of riches.

There are so many small and large losses I grieve daily on behalf of myself, my family, and so many people, but I wanted to pause and capture this moment so as not to lose sight of the incredible love and thoughtfulness that exists in the world. We will make it through this hard, incredibly shitty time because of love and empathy and kindness and compassion. And voting, don't forget voting.
