LEGO Reflections

There have been so many funny comments, messages, and questions about my LEGO organization situation on Instagram and Facebook that I feel that it warrants further explanation.

First, THE WORLD NEEDS EVERYONE. Those of you who feel completely freaked out by — or in solidarity with — my need to cross check LEGO inventory kits are all welcome in this house.

Second, I don’t think I would have the patience to do this if we just had a giant bin of loose LEGOs. Most of these sets are still completely assembled (or partially broken down in Ziploc bags).

Third, Vi is reassembling the sets that are partially broken down. Since I am trying to sell them I cannot in good faith list them unless I have checked that I have every single piece. So, after she assembles, I break them down, sort, and cross check. I have, in fact, found a few missing bits, which validates my need to cross check.

Fourth, is this worth how much time it’s taking, against, say my billable hourly rate? HELL NO. But the inspiration this weekend was a major overhaul to move Violet’s room and WOW, there is so much stuff she has grown out of and it’s time to move it out and make space for a new phase of life (which includes blissful empty space!).

Fifth, Vi never liked free building with LEGOs as much as kits so since I have all the pieces and the instruction booklets, I want to try to reassemble them.

Sixth, yes, I have already started a bin of color sorted baggies of extras, which I will get rid of at the very end.

And finally, I imagine at some level this is emotionally therapeutic for me to process the fact that my children have grown out of traditional toys — except SQUISHMALLOWS which apparently one can never have enough of. They will always be babies in my heart *and* it is amazing to see them move onto other delights.

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