Make Space For Black Voices

I've been wondering how people will show up beyond the initial wave of social media shares and protests. We need to keep showing up. It matters. And while typically I'm all about small tactical actions, I want you to commit to something bigger and hugely impactful: stepping aside to make space for Black voices.

I realize that particularly right now, during a global pandemic in which we're worried about all manner of security, the idea of giving up space of any kind is probably extra challenging. We humans are egocentric and we look out for ourselves. We want to be relevant, sought after, perhaps lauded...and we have been conditioned to believe that the only way to continue to be relevant, sought after, and perhaps lauded is to protect our space fiercely with tight fists.

It's time to change this narrative. If you operate from a place of privilege, step aside and make space for Black voices. What might that look like? It can be as simple as resisting the urge to dominate the airwaves at your next meeting to make space for a Black person to speak first. It can mean questioning why the room you're in or project you're working on is predominantly (or all) white and advocating for inclusion of diverse voices at the expense of your own. It can mean replying to an offer and saying, "This sounds really wonderful *and* I would like you to fill my slot with a Black voice. I have a great recommendation for you!"

Bottom line: There is no shortage of Black talent or voice; there has been a shortage of opportunity and space due to racism. And our opportunity is to do something about that.
