The Power of Creativity

Old childhood patterns die hard. When I got the text response "do you have a minute to talk?" from my Mom (in response to sharing her Edit Your Life episode on The Power of Creativity), I immediately thought, OH CRAP. I AM IN TROUBLE. 😆

I did call her right away because I didn't want to burn time on negative predictions. Turns out my Mom wanted to thank me for having her on the show and to ask if I remembered that my Dad used to say that he thought I should be the first Korean-American talk show host (or a diplomat). "Why do you think he thought that?" she asked me. I said I didn't know but maybe because I did like to talk. I also wonder if there was something to the possibility that being a talk show host or diplomat was what my Dad might find fun in life; I do think I carry an interpersonal energy that is similar to his. This photo is from 1995 at my college graduation and I share it because I remember him being deep in his handsome and charming energy zone that day. I also did see his charming energy in the last months of his life, which was such a gift. I miss him. ❤

I do indeed love engaging in conversation with people; in the context of interviews I love making nervous guests comfortable, drawing out stories, identifying themes that will resonate with a broader audience. I am so grateful my Mom agreed to be interviewed and will always treasure our recording.