The Arc of Friendship

After last night's first-girlfriend-dinner-in-7-months outing with Paige Lewin I have been thinking about the arc of friendship.

Because here's the thing: Paige and I have been friends since 6th grade but we weren't besties. (Quite frankly, back then I didn't feel cool enough to be besties with her!)

It wasn't until we became moms that we really started hanging out a lot, given that we had overlapping maternity leaves and lived about 20 minutes away from one another.

Over the last 16 years, it's incredible to me how much our friendship has deepened. I mean, part of it is likely because our frontal lobes are now fully formed but also, our lives have intersected in beautiful personal and professional ways that have strengthened our friendship. I told Paige we can never get in a fight because she has all the dirt on me. LOL.

Anyway, I guess my point is that relationships evolve...both in positive and negative ways so it's good to be fluid and keep loving in the directions that feel good and let go in the directions that feel bad.

And a funny full circle moment from last night: Paige gifted me with this crystal. Because apparently I often joke with her about how my high school crystals were everything and I don't have one anymore.
