More Than A Dinner Roll, 38 Weeks

Roll clearly is more than a dinner roll now. All of those other common pregnant belly names -- pumpkin, basketball, etc. -- are more fitting. This week's photo was inspired by my friend Casey -- who captured this stunning self-portrait at 30 weeks. I’m lacking Casey's artful black background (not to mention the ability to capture as much of the body’s vertical space without a toilet in the background...), but the point was that I wanted a bare side belly shot. So here we are.

This photo also serves as evidence for all of the people who keep telling me how tiny I am. I guess, yes, I’m all belly, but tiny is definitely not something I self refer as, particularly when I’m fork-lifting myself off the couch or out of bed. [Insert audible OOF.]

It’s all feeling very real now and we’re so excited! Laurel has been having so much fun feeling and watching Roll do gymnastics. I can hardly believe we’re just two weeks out, and that soon we'll have a baby on the outside not the inside. Though through the belly line shadows in this photo I can see vestiges of my former self.