30 Day Journey Complete

Welcome to the laundry cluttered, imperfect, deeply sacred for 10-50 minutes a day space that I do not want to share with my dog.


I was not expecting to do YWA's 30-day Breath journey all in a row. Last year I committed to 30 days, but with allowances for days I couldn't get to it (I finished in early/mid February). But clearly I *needed* to make space for it because I just finished day 30 on day 30.

I loved the whole series so I was bummed to realize (and remember from last year) that the capstone is a silent practice. I understand the WHY but I am severely myopic and prefer to take my glasses off and do yoga mostly with my eyes closed, listening for cues. It helps me sink deeper in so needing to wear my glasses AND look frequently at the screen? Blergh.

I lasted about 20 minutes trying to do this then gave up and freestyled the remaining 30 minutes, doing 4-count breaths for each pose, making it up as I went. Every now and then if I was in a pose that made looking easy I looked at the screen to see if Adriene was doing a pose that I had not yet incorporated and that would feel good.

It wasn't exactly how I wanted to close out the series but on the other hand, going freestyle, focused deeply on my breath in the postures that felt best was great. And I am really pleased that I ended up finishing the 30 days, and if you wind back to my 50-day challenge before that, I have done 80 days of yoga in the past 3 months, which is pretty miraculous.