50 Days of Self-Care

Are you struggling physically right now? I have been in a lot of pain lately, due to mundanely induced injuries. Obviously 2020 has been awful in so many ways and one of the ways the stress is manifesting for me is through debilitating tightness in my body which is leading to said mundanely induced injuries.

The past few days have been notable in that I did yoga 3 days in a row (Friday was just 10 minutes of chair yoga, yesterday was targeted hamstring + shoulder work, today was an overall practice) and it has been both humbling and disturbing to feel how the shapes that I used to do with ease are so hard. Like, really hard. Everything feels incredibly tight and creaky and crunchy and painful and it actually has scared me. As in, I am only 47 and I want to be active for myself and with my family. Related, if I tried to ski right now (my brain is already thinking about skiing) I genuinely think I would injure myself.

Which leads me to this: There are about 10 weeks of 2020 left. This year has been a trash can but I want to put intention into something good and I clearly need to prioritize my body. So I figured, could I do 50 days of yoga by the end of 2020? And perhaps help other people find the space to take of themselves? This would mean roughly 5 days a week of intentional self-care...anything, as in even 10 minutes, counts. I didn't want to set up the pressure of a daily challenge because listen, shit happens...we can still be committed to something while having some degrees of freedom.

I'm starting today as Day 1. I did a 30 minute general yoga practice amidst piles of laundry. I would love for you to join me in whatever self-care feels good to you; I will be doing yoga. Tag me on social if you post so I can cheer you on!
