
I got teary this morning for a different reason than expected. If you are amidst struggle (who the hell isn't?) please read this post (it's about more than skiing).

I was both excited but also very uncertain coming into this ski trip at Smugglers’ Notch. I definitely have developed a narrative in my head that I am the weak link physically in my family with skiing. I also have had a lot of physical struggles this year...nagging shoulder problems, pandemic weight gain, other problems exacerbated by stress.

I did not share all of this with my instructor Nancy but at some point she said something like, "Your body is strong. You have an athletic stance that clearly tells me that you can do this. Have confidence in your strength and relax and follow your body."

That's where my eyes got leaky and they are leaking again as I type this. 😭

We all need someone to affirm our strength every now and then, don't we? Especially when we are people who carry a lot for others. Thank you for that incredible gift, Nancy, and for all the technical tweaks that helped me relax and improve and enjoy an incredible day skiing the stuff I told myself I would not be able to ski.

Also, @skimomsfun and I just recorded a podcast where we talked about the importance of women instructors. Thank you @smugglersnotchvt for connecting me and Violet with fantastic women instructors today! ❤