AMAZE Christine

Raise your hand if you got zero sex ed as a kid! Yeah, ME TOO. 👋 In fact, I only recently had my first sex ed conversation (about birth control and cycles) with my Mom and hello, she is 84 and I'm 47! 😂

So it has been so awesome to work with re: helping parents get comfortable talking to kids about sex ed topics. Some time earlier this year (I think...? what is time?) AMAZE's incredible illustrator Inna created cartoon variations of my AMAZE peeps Lincoln Mondy and Shazmin Taylor and I was like OMG I WANT ONE FOR MY BIRTHDAY! I actually said that out loud and admittedly was legit sad when my birthday passed in October cartoon Christine. And then I started dropping not so subtle hints that all I wanted for Christmas was for Inna to make a cartoon Christine because OMG I AM SHAMELESS.

Well, I got my wish early! How incredible is cartoon Christine? Right down to the highlights, face shape, freckles, and styling of my Warby Parker glasses! I AM OBSESSED. Thank you, Inna!
