Embrace 2020 105/365: tough conversations

My general work/life mantra is something like, "Make crappy things less crappy." And if you saw my post the other week about grocery store racial anxiety or read my most recent Christine Koh newsletter story, you'll understand I'm hard at work on making crappy racism related things less crappy. Shying away from the tough conversations is not an option for me, and I'm always looking for the positive, productive pivot.

To that effect, I'm hopping on Maritere Bellas’s IG Live today at 5pm ET if you want to hear more about how I'm dealing with racial anxiety (further fueled last night by a power outage! thanks universe!) and pivoting to share ideas on fostering compassion in kids. Hope to see you there.

Photo by Jill Krause, when the White House was a place of dignity.

April 14.jpg