Asha's Farewell | Edit Your Life Episode 253

Please take a moment and throw up a champagne/confetti/Kermit flail emoji/GIF for Asha Dornfest. It is her final episode as co-host of the Edit Your Life podcast. Listen to the farewell episode; it is fun and loving!

Asha and I first met on the internet in 2006 via our blogs (I believe I sent her fan email because of her work at Parent Hacks and she actually responded LOL). We first met in person in 2008'ish in NYC when we decided to start our in person relationship by being roommates at the BlogHer conference. And a few years later, we became work wives through our book Minimalist Parenting and then the Edit Your Life podcast.

I will be plain and say that I'm not always the easiest person to be in partnership with. I get laser focused on creativity and details and execution -- which is great for getting shit done -- but sometimes means emotional connection takes a hit (though I have made a lot of progress on that front over the past couple of years especially). Asha and I have been through a lot over the last decade of friend'ing/working so closely and through it all, she has always radiated the love and generosity and empathy that you see in that sweet face.

Thanks for being the best person, Asha. I will miss you on the mic.